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Main appearances in game industry events, juries, interviews, articles etc...

Game Talks Live Newcastle 
Prototyping AIs - July 2023

10 minute talk done as part of the Games Talk Live in Newcastle while I was an AI Designer at People Can Fly.


I give a little overview about my vision of AIs in games with tips to prototype them.

BAFTA Young Game Designer Awards
2022 Jury - May/June 2022

Participated to the jury of the Young Game Designers, inspiring and supporting young people to create, develop and present game concepts and prototypes.​


Analyzed and discussed concepts from the final candidates of the 15-18 y.o. category with other professionals.

Bourse Jeux Videos - Game Jam 2021 
Mentoring - May 2021

Mentored a team of French students (including the programmer interviewed in the live stream here) to make a Game Jam in a week-end, with another professional specialized in Game Art.


Was organized by my association Loisirs Numériques, the result being the little game "La Galère Volante".

Ukie Student Conference: Live
Making GDDs - March 2021

20 minute talk done as part of the Ukie Student Conference: Live while I was a Junior Game Designer at Ubisoft Reflections.


I give a few general tips to improve Game Design Documents.

Gamasutra / interview
For GDC Alt Controller - February 2018

Showcase interview about Mark Wars, an alternate controller, finalist for the Independent Game Festival and showcased at the Game Developers Conference of 2018.


Alternate controller multiplayer game done with a team of students and my best friend, a student in electronics, using a marker pen and little robots as a controller!


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